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1967 R357B D5578 Brush Type 2

1967 R357B D5578 Brush Type 2


1967 R357B D5578 Brush Type 2
Description: First released by Tri-ang in 1965, in the XP64 Livery, and production continued until 1967 when this version was released by Tri-ang Hornby. As far as it's known, no Brush Type 2/Class 31 where never painted in this livery. 10,000 models where made between 1965 & 1967. The price of this model when new in 1967 was, 50/9d or £2.54p
Keywords: Tri-ang XP64 Livery Tri-ang Hornby Brush Type 2/Class 31
Date: 06.10.2007 09:26
Hits: 4783
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Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 77.1 KB
Added by: K9-70

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